A 9-Inning Dream Un Sueño de Nueve Entradas
Featured at the Miami Book Fair this weekend, this bilingual children's book follows a boy from Colombia who dreams of becoming an MLB player.
Many of us who follow the game of baseball grow up dreaming of what it would be like to play on the biggest stage and become a big league ballplayer in the majors.
A 9-Inning Dream Un Sueño de Nueve Entradas (A Dream of 9 Innings) is a bilingual children’s book that is inspired by that childhood dream.
This book follow Diago, a young boy who has a dream of one day becoming a professional baseball player in the United States. This delightful, colorful, bilingual, English and Spanish illustrated book captures the beauty of cultures, childhood experiences, the impact of family in our lives and the importance of believing in your dreams.
This book appeals to a variety of readers – from children athletes, parents who support and believe in the dreams of their children, young readers who believe in achieving goals to readers who want to have an insight into Colombian culture.
Written by Nicole Fernandez, this book is a tribute to her family and her Colombian roots. A first generation American, Nicole wanted to make a book to educate and inspire children. She decided to make the book bilingual, because both languages have been a fundamental part of who she is as a professional and as a person.
In 2014, Fernandez started a sports non-profit for children called the “Game Time Foundation“, which has helped more than 3,700 children from three different countries, with more than 5,000 pounds of sports equipment having been recycled/donated.
Her experiences in philanthropy and as a journalist helped provide inspiration for this book.
This weekend, Fernandez will be promoting her book at the 40th annual Miami Book Fair, where she will be on Writer’s Row this Sunday, November 19th.
If you are interested in getting your own copy of A 9-Inning Dream Un Sueño de Nueve Entradas, the book is available on Amazon here.